Monday, March 2, 2009

My latest addiction

It is now strawberry season in Japan (actually, it seems strawberries might be on their way out and cherries on their way in, if my assessment of candy flavor trends is accurate), and that means that confronting me every time I enter the grocery store is a huge display full of strawberries. I think that strawberries here are too expensive, so I don't buy them. I am, however, enticed by what's sold next to the strawberries - little tubes of sweetened condensed milk. I can't really remember why I first bought one, but at 158 yen, they're difficult to resist (that's about $1.50). There's something unbelievably comforting about sitting in front of the TV, eating this stuff with a spoon. After I came home one day and ate a whole tube, I decided to find out just how bad for me it was. And look what I turned up!

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