Shelby and I spent one night at Hwagyesa temple in Seoul. It was a little bit informal, probably because we arrived on a Tuesday night. They have a formal zazenkai on Sundays, but during the week there isn't anything specifically organized. Instead, we arrived around 4pm, rested until dinner at 5, chanted from 6-6:30, meditated from 6:30-7:30 and then 7:45-8:15. We went to bed at 9, only to wake up at 3 in order to meditate from 3-4, chant from 4-4:30, meditate from 4:30-5:30, and have breakfast at 6. After that, we climbed a mountain with the head priest and some of the monks and residents. Needless to say, I was exhausted afterwards for days (but it was worth it).