On Thursday night, I went to Niigata station to pick up the lovely Shelby Kimmel, who was staying for a visit (she left last night). On Friday we co-taught at Iwamuro JHS about Hannukah, and then we had a fun yet busy weekend in Niigata city with some of my friends. Monday was the most exciting, though, because we decided to climb Mt. Yahiko, a beautiful big mountain near my house. We woke up at nine and, after a quick visit to Yahiko shrine, began the hike at around 10:30. Surprisingly, there were lots of people on the train, all looking very impressive with walking sticks and big boots. As we climbed higher, we realized why - it was very muddy and slippery, due to the snow all melting at the top (it was a very nice, sunny day). However, we made it up and back down in about 3 hours. It was pretty much straight up and then straight down, and we were exhausted by the end, but it was completely worth it. And we treated ourselves to a very long onsen visit afterwards. So, even though I missed mountain day in Williamstown, we still got to celebrate it (albeit in December) in Japan.