This past weekend, a bunch of ALTs went to homestays all around the prefecture. Mine was on Sado (as was most other Niigata city ALTs). I was a little nervous, especially because I have practically no Japanese ability, but it turns out I didn't need to worry. Both of my host parents had been English teachers, and their 12 year old daughter was way ahead of her age group. I had a really wonderful time with them - they reminded me quite a lot of my family. After doing a homestay in the heart of Tokyo, it was very different to be out on Sado. It was probably about as different an experience as possible. They showed me how to light a fire under the bath tub to heat up bath water, and we cooked sweet potatoes in a traditional outdoor stone oven. We also picked kaki (persimmons). The father had traveled a lot in Europe and was especially fond of street organ music. We listened to a lot of it. The mother had worked at a brain research institute in Niigata, so we talked about that, and also about her new hobbies (quilting, making miniatures). They were very warm, and eager to share with me. At the end they said my 'character' fit very well with that of their family, and said I was welcomed back any time. I hope I get the chance to take them up on it!
In the pictures:
Praying at a local shrine, the path to the shrine, a beautiful dinner of nabe (stew), drying kaki, and cooking sweet potatoes.